Friday, January 24, 2014


Where I grew up, we had snow.  Not every winter, but most.  And sometimes a lot, like the year we got two feet.  I was in college and it shut everything down.  First time in the university history they closed down.
That is my '67 plymouth belvedere

But, this morning, I heard William wake and the screen door open and close.  Then I heard him come into our bedroom.  "How deep is it?"  I asked.  "Three inches" he said.  I knew it had not snowed that much by the time I had gone to bed last night and I knew he was exaggerating.  But, while he got his layers on, I went and let Cocoa out, Steven got up and dressed, and we all went out.

There is something about snow out here.  The outdoors in completely quiet.  Its like life holds it breath.  We got freezing rain and a dusting of snow on top, maybe a half inch at the most.

We explored and took a few pictures.  I saw places where the deer had run through.  The little ponds were frozen.  The 70 degrees warmth of two days ago was but a memory.  It was COLD.  25 degrees.  Ice and snow.

We wandered, and then I came indoors to make cocoa.

Monday, January 20, 2014


I have rarely made resolutions, knowing from childhood that they fade away by February or March.  And this year was no different until a few days into the new year, when I heard of a friend with cancer, then another, and another, and then we had some minor health issues in our own family. 
 Which made me think. 

 It was my wake-up call. 

This is a forsythia.  In most places, it blooms in the spring.  Here, it is a middle of the winter bloomer.  A promise of what is to come later. 
 Life in the midst of winter.  

So, this year, I have resolved to LIVE.  Appreciate my family and friends.  Take care of myself.  And see everything through a filter of love and humor.  And so, with this in mind, here is my first "selfie" 
(laugh with me!)

With that said, please visit the other members of this group and read their views:

Catherine Witherell: