WOW..... there are so many things I could say about what I want to learn.

A real physical thing I want to learn is to play my mandolin. I bought one, several years ago when I received a couple of gift cards. I have always wanted to play one; especially after I learned my grandfather played. As a guitar player of 45 years, I thought it would be easy to pick it up and play. Sadly, I haven't even played the guitar in a year or so. Just don't have the time. Yes, I have read all the inspirational blogs about making time for the things you love, take time for yourself, etc. But, I still homeschool one child and take an interest in listening to and helping my adult daughter. I spend time with my husband. I help make this a home, working on chores both inside and out. I have my own business. I am the primary caregiver to our dog and cat. I am the volunteer market manager for our farmers market. I am active in our homeschool community. I am a volunteer in the summer for a library program...... and I enjoy it all...... however, there are only 24 hours in a day, and I do require some sleep.....
However, I am taking steps in the right direction.....Tuesday, I am getting my 12 string guitar restrung. I have made that decision. And yes, I could buy the strings and do it myself. But, time vs money comes in and I think, no, I KNOW, if I just buy the strings, it will never get done. And then, after I get my mind wrapped around making music again, I can think about new music.....
Our Farmers Market |
The non-physical thing I want to learn is how to back away from situations that will eat up my time and my energy. Balance. And I am starting. But, I see things that need to be done, or should be done, and I just have to do it. Thus, how I ended up at the volunteer market manager.

One thing I should learn is how to declutter....... If you hold it in your hands and it doesn't give you joy, give it away, I have heard...... but, that makes no sense to me, and made me laugh. Do my socks give me joy? Not really, but I need them. Do the old documents that I have to keep for tax purposed give me joy. Definitely not.....but the I need to keep them, too. I don't have room for the two gallons of apple juice I bought because it is cheaper, but does it give me joy?
So, much to learn.....and although some days I feel like the proverbial old dog, much of the time I feel young (until a new mom at the homeschool group says incredulously "your're HOW OLD?"). And able to change and grow and learn.....
So, lets see what our other bloggers want to learn!