I am John and Nida's daughter, farm raised and George and Marie's sister. In the town I was born, I was part of the "Moses" family.....I would have old people stop me on the street and say "you is a Moses, I can tell....how is so and so".
Then, at one point, I defined myself as a student, then a very unhappy air force lieutenant who was also a chemist. I was very happy to re-define myself as a field investigator for the state of texas, who was protecting the environment.
But , back to the topic.... how DO I define myself? ..... I mean, I am a very happy mother of two, delighted to be the wife of an amazing man. I have chickens and a dog and a cat.....or maybe they have me.
I have my own business and am the manager of the farmers market in which I participate. I am a library volunteer, I am a teacher, I am the crone in our homeschool group.
I am old enough to know things I don't care to have in my definition of self.... I will never be beautiful in the classic sense, too short, with a ski slope nose, chunky, not thin. But, I am comfortable with my looks. I will not be rich, although I tend to be generous. I don't care for cities but someday I would love to travel. Technology is fun, but I have no desire to be an expert.
But, in some way, I feel those things are only who I am, they don't define me.... I talked to a friend of mine, a wonderful woman, who teaches yoga, among other things (but that does not DEFINE her) about this topic. We talked about how yoga teaches that if you define youtself, then does that make you that person.....is it better to not define one's self so that you can change, don't put yourself in a box. And don't we change who we are every day, as we learn and grow. There are some definitive things, personality traits that are with us all our lives. I have taken various personality tests over the years in my jobs.....and the traits that have stood the test of time for me are loyalty, loving and steadiness. I think admirable traits. So, I guess I am a german shepard (ha!)
So, lets see if the other bloggers in this group know themselves:
marie bell :: http://www.pencilfox.com/2016/08/au...