AN image....I can't. There are multiple images that I love and keep with me, Snapshots of moments in time that I can picture in my head.
Pictures are so very important. Somewhere in my possession is an old black and white photo of half of my dad. That was part of the first roll of pictures I ever took. When they were developed, either my mother or father questioned why I didn't take my time to focus. I did....I just couldn't see what to focus on, and soon after I had my first pair of glasses.
This is one of my favorite pictures of my mother. A very independent woman to the end. I miss her.
This is still how I see myself..... this is my first car. I will never forget how I felt when I got it. $297. The drivers window wouldn't roll up, the trunk wouldn't open unless you "thumped" it, and when it rained (which it did a LOT in Southern Illinois) the carborator stuck. But that feeling owning your first car!

I still remember taking this picture. I was driving back from a 10 day job at the Illinois State Fair. That 10 day job paid for a semester's tuition. As I was driving, a rainbow appeared. The one way sign was just serendipity, but I always feel like I am headed to the pot of gold when I see this picture.
This is my beloved. It was a big road trip to Maine, from Texas. This is a cool morning in West Virginia. Forever will I remember that trip, and someday, we might do it again.
This is from our first road trip together to Big Bend. I knew I loved him, but this trip just sealed it. The vistas you could see made you think in terms of "forever".
When my son was younger, one day he took my camera outside and played at taking pictures. I have NO IDEA how he took this one, but it is a favorite of mine.
This is from my first road trip alone with William. We went to a place that I remembered as a child, Elephant Rocks, and played in the rocks. Its so special because he saw the place as I did as a child, and it made me childlike again.
This is my wonderful Grace. She has grown into the most awesome adult. I am so proud of who she has become. Words cannot express it.
I LOVE these images.....and they can bring tears to my eyes and make my heart happy.
I am curious as to what images the others in our group love:
Andes Cruz:
angelojones ::
Kathleen Krucoff: