Funny, I knew where it was when I took my son there. My dad had taken pictures of me "pushing" a rock and it was ingrained in my memory. 45 years or so, and I still loved the place. Elephant Rocks State Park in Central Missouri. I haven't changed all that much, have I?
Monday, July 28, 2014
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Trip to Illinois.....beginning
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Spring Things
Used to, spring was that season between winter and summer. When things bloomed and the leaves came out all green and fresh after a brown and drab and cold winter. It rained a lot. That was Illinois growing up.
And now, in Texas, what to say about spring. We don't really have a spring. We have summer and "the rest of the year". And those months OTHER people have spring is really unpredictable here. I mean, the forsythia blooms in January. And the predominant trees, the live oaks, lose their leaves in March to instantly become green again. We could be in short sleeves in January (or Christmas for that matter). But, don't become complacent....there could be 80 degrees in February and then in March, you have ice on the windows, ice on the winter lettuce and ice covering your peach blossoms.
So, no matter what, spring is a time of change. We put out nectar for the hummingbirds in anticipation of their coming, watch for the occasional painted bunting, plant our summer garden (tomatoes and peppers after the last last frost date according to the extension service.....or after the pecans leaf out as the oldtimers do). And start looking for a new swim suit at the thrift store, as here, as soon as it is spring, summer is only a day or so behind.
And for me, personally, spring is a time for change. For shedding leaves. But not like the deciduous trees up north. Its more like the live oak trees, shed the old and instantly become green again, the new pushing the old away. Getting new glasses, trimming the hair, exchanging this years school books for next. And sometimes, exchanging old ideas for new ones.
Shall we see what others in our group think about spring?
Andes Cruz: http://
Kathleen Krucoff: http://
marie bell
Kirsten Skiles studio-updates/
Catherine Witherell
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Things That Annoy ME
Since I have no pictures that really go with this blog, I have separated the parts with pictures of nature, to kind of soften opinionated rants.
1) People who move from the city to the country to "live the good life"
Where to start? I moved to a small town 20 years ago. Knowing it was a small town and that I would have to go to the nearest city (25 miles away) for some shopping. I mean, we had a grocery store, a pharmacy, a video store, a hardware store and a dollar general store. We had several gas stations and a couple of local restaurants. There was a place to get bait, and a thrift store, and for those who imbibe, a place to get beer on the edge of the precinct. Then, the people from the city came, because living in the country was the thing to do. And they changed things. My night sky is lit up with "security" lights from houses and big box stores. The little grocery store that donated to every event in town (even the library camps we had in the summer) closed when we got a big chain store. My little hardware store that could tell me how to fix my 70 year old plumbing closed when Home Depot came ("yeah, don't know, can't help items are in aisle 12"). The video store is now closing next week. The dollar general store is holding out ("I have never been in one" someone said recently to me "what does it have?") and the thrift store is doing well ("I have never been in a thrift store " some one else said to me recently "do they take donations?"). They want to BUY organic things but don't know what to do with the eggs that a local family sells ("you mean you can use them like regular eggs????"). Our precinct became "wet" and with it, two bars in the historic downtown (but one local restaurant closed). And the final blow, is a new subdivision coming to town with 500 more houses, all along "scenic" Onion Creek (so, how scenic is Onion Creek going to remain with the runoff from 500 lots) with lawns and pulling water from an aquifer that is already taxed. And along with all this comes the people who ride their bicycles along our "scenic" curvy county roads, where there is no shoulder and a steep embankment.....and gives you dirty looks when you have to follow them because you can't see to pass.
2) People who work in service jobs who should not be there.
Went to the grocery store the other day. Yes the big box one they built here in town that ran out the old small grocery store. There was no hamburger in the meat refrigerated section. I buzzed the butcher, who came out and I asked "do you have any hamburger?". "No", he replied "we stop grinding hamburger at 600, you will have to come back tomorrow". I wanted to say, "I am a customer, you are a CAN'T find me any hamburger?" But, I didn't. I completed my shopping and went to pay, the bill was $47.46. I gave the young cashier $47. 51. She looked at me like I was crazy and said "you gave me too much money". I said, "but you will give me change". She looked at me again "but you gave me too much money". And I said , "you will give me a nickel in change, put it in the computer and see". And sure enough.....there it was, a nickel. Went to the bank to get change to go to the farmers market. I said, I want 25 ones and 5 fives. The teller said, you want 2 20's and a 10? I said, I want 25 ones and 5 fines. She started counting out 20's and 10's. I said "I really want 25 ones and 5 fives". She rolled her eyes and gave it to me. (she no longer is a teller there) Another store, cashed a check, and the young person gave me all my change, all wadded up, and as I started counting it, I said to her "you know, it is a really good thing to count back the money to the customer so they know what they "got". She said to me "I never learned how to do that and most my customers don't want to wait for me to do it anyway". (How do you know if you don't ever do it?) Another store, the cashier was talking to a friend, and NEVER looked at me, rang me up, took my money and never spoke to me. At the end of the transaction, I said "thank you" and he didn't respond. So, I waited and then said "YOU'RE WELCOME". He finally looked at me with a look of "say what?". I said, "normally you say you're welcome when a customer says 'thank you'". The woman behind me said "YES!"
3) People who make comments about homeschooling without knowing anything about it.
We homeschool. We have been homeschooling since the beginning. One child is now 17, the other 7. They are great. We get compliments when we go places about how polite they are. My daughter has an internship and is already learning much about her chosen field of study. My son is inquisitive, loves science and to draw and loves learning new things. However, it does not stop people from saying things like "how do they get 'socialized'?" What one WANTS to say is, oh, they never see other people, we lock them in a closet. However, one goes through the spiel of all the things they do and where they go and the activities they are involved in. How do they get socialized or informed of the world around them without going to school? They go to public meetings and accompany us when we vote, they run errands with parents, they go visit the elderly, they have internships, they meet and talk with people of various ages and backgrounds, they play with siblings and younger children. So, going to a public school where they only interact with the same age group, of generally the same background, and get in trouble for talking or playing on the playground is better? Where they learn about the world around them from their peers, who may be unkind or already doing things that are not appropriate for kids that age? Hmmmmmm...... We'll continue homeschooling.
4) The prevalence of technology
I am tired of seeing people on the phone in the grocery store, in restaurants, IN A PUBLIC BATHROOOM. I mean, people get a real life! Look the people around you in the eye when you talk to them. Yes, I have virtual friends, but I have ACTUAL friends, too. I talk to them, laugh with them, listen to their stories. And by the way, my cell phone is a PHONE. I don't text, I don't connect to the internet, it doesn't take pictures. It rings when someone calls me. And sometimes, believe it or not.....I don't have it with me! You have to leave a message and wait for me to call you back. I am tired of the immediacy of our life. Sometimes, things just don't have too happen fast.
Ok, I am done now and feel better (smile).....lets see what bugs our other bloggers!
1) People who move from the city to the country to "live the good life"
Where to start? I moved to a small town 20 years ago. Knowing it was a small town and that I would have to go to the nearest city (25 miles away) for some shopping. I mean, we had a grocery store, a pharmacy, a video store, a hardware store and a dollar general store. We had several gas stations and a couple of local restaurants. There was a place to get bait, and a thrift store, and for those who imbibe, a place to get beer on the edge of the precinct. Then, the people from the city came, because living in the country was the thing to do. And they changed things. My night sky is lit up with "security" lights from houses and big box stores. The little grocery store that donated to every event in town (even the library camps we had in the summer) closed when we got a big chain store. My little hardware store that could tell me how to fix my 70 year old plumbing closed when Home Depot came ("yeah, don't know, can't help items are in aisle 12"). The video store is now closing next week. The dollar general store is holding out ("I have never been in one" someone said recently to me "what does it have?") and the thrift store is doing well ("I have never been in a thrift store " some one else said to me recently "do they take donations?"). They want to BUY organic things but don't know what to do with the eggs that a local family sells ("you mean you can use them like regular eggs????"). Our precinct became "wet" and with it, two bars in the historic downtown (but one local restaurant closed). And the final blow, is a new subdivision coming to town with 500 more houses, all along "scenic" Onion Creek (so, how scenic is Onion Creek going to remain with the runoff from 500 lots) with lawns and pulling water from an aquifer that is already taxed. And along with all this comes the people who ride their bicycles along our "scenic" curvy county roads, where there is no shoulder and a steep embankment.....and gives you dirty looks when you have to follow them because you can't see to pass.
2) People who work in service jobs who should not be there.
Went to the grocery store the other day. Yes the big box one they built here in town that ran out the old small grocery store. There was no hamburger in the meat refrigerated section. I buzzed the butcher, who came out and I asked "do you have any hamburger?". "No", he replied "we stop grinding hamburger at 600, you will have to come back tomorrow". I wanted to say, "I am a customer, you are a CAN'T find me any hamburger?" But, I didn't. I completed my shopping and went to pay, the bill was $47.46. I gave the young cashier $47. 51. She looked at me like I was crazy and said "you gave me too much money". I said, "but you will give me change". She looked at me again "but you gave me too much money". And I said , "you will give me a nickel in change, put it in the computer and see". And sure enough.....there it was, a nickel. Went to the bank to get change to go to the farmers market. I said, I want 25 ones and 5 fives. The teller said, you want 2 20's and a 10? I said, I want 25 ones and 5 fines. She started counting out 20's and 10's. I said "I really want 25 ones and 5 fives". She rolled her eyes and gave it to me. (she no longer is a teller there) Another store, cashed a check, and the young person gave me all my change, all wadded up, and as I started counting it, I said to her "you know, it is a really good thing to count back the money to the customer so they know what they "got". She said to me "I never learned how to do that and most my customers don't want to wait for me to do it anyway". (How do you know if you don't ever do it?) Another store, the cashier was talking to a friend, and NEVER looked at me, rang me up, took my money and never spoke to me. At the end of the transaction, I said "thank you" and he didn't respond. So, I waited and then said "YOU'RE WELCOME". He finally looked at me with a look of "say what?". I said, "normally you say you're welcome when a customer says 'thank you'". The woman behind me said "YES!"
3) People who make comments about homeschooling without knowing anything about it.
We homeschool. We have been homeschooling since the beginning. One child is now 17, the other 7. They are great. We get compliments when we go places about how polite they are. My daughter has an internship and is already learning much about her chosen field of study. My son is inquisitive, loves science and to draw and loves learning new things. However, it does not stop people from saying things like "how do they get 'socialized'?" What one WANTS to say is, oh, they never see other people, we lock them in a closet. However, one goes through the spiel of all the things they do and where they go and the activities they are involved in. How do they get socialized or informed of the world around them without going to school? They go to public meetings and accompany us when we vote, they run errands with parents, they go visit the elderly, they have internships, they meet and talk with people of various ages and backgrounds, they play with siblings and younger children. So, going to a public school where they only interact with the same age group, of generally the same background, and get in trouble for talking or playing on the playground is better? Where they learn about the world around them from their peers, who may be unkind or already doing things that are not appropriate for kids that age? Hmmmmmm...... We'll continue homeschooling.
4) The prevalence of technology
I am tired of seeing people on the phone in the grocery store, in restaurants, IN A PUBLIC BATHROOOM. I mean, people get a real life! Look the people around you in the eye when you talk to them. Yes, I have virtual friends, but I have ACTUAL friends, too. I talk to them, laugh with them, listen to their stories. And by the way, my cell phone is a PHONE. I don't text, I don't connect to the internet, it doesn't take pictures. It rings when someone calls me. And sometimes, believe it or not.....I don't have it with me! You have to leave a message and wait for me to call you back. I am tired of the immediacy of our life. Sometimes, things just don't have too happen fast.
Ok, I am done now and feel better (smile).....lets see what bugs our other bloggers!
Andes Cruz: http://
KSkiles Studio: 20/pet-peeves/
Catherine Witherell:
Kathleen Krucoff: http://
barbaradonovan: http://
Thursday, March 20, 2014
What super hero powers would I want?
I pondered this question and almost didn't join the group because I couldn't decide on what power I would want.
I mean, I always thought I was wonder woman, until this year. Until a sickness came early in the winter and seemed to linger much too long. And then I cracked a tooth and lost my fight to keep it. The last straw that broke my illusion was when I got asked the other day if I was going to take the senior citizen discount. I saw myself in an innocent film that my daughter took, and I had to ask myself "who is that old lady". And with all this, I knew, I was not wonder woman.
But, as I played with my son, I did think again, "if I could have it, what power would I want?"
I always enjoyed flying in airplanes. One of the memories I cherish is being in an air force trainer jet and flying up-side-down and doing rolls and loops. I somewhat envy people who can fly in their dreams; I never have. So, maybe it would be flying. And that is a selfish wish. One that would bring ME pleasure, but not really be useful
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Roadrunner who wants to fly, not run. |
Healing? There are friends I would LOVE to lay hands on and heal. People in pain both physical and mental. But, then all the problems that would come with that....people crowding me, who to heal, when to heal.
But, then it came to me....I really wouldn't want superhero powers. The power that I would want is one that is more saint-like in nature. I would love to be like the St.Francis of the legends and be able to be with animals, understand them, be gentle enough in nature that they would be with me. And I could help them. Yep, I think that is what I would like.
But, then again.....there is something to be said for destroying the bad guys with lightning bolts.......Hmmmm......
Join me in seeing what our sister heroines have to say:
Andes Cruz:
Kathleen Krucoff:
Catherine Witherell
Designs by Shelagh.
Barbara Donovan: http://
Barbara Donovan: http://
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Road Trip
The topic of the month was road trip. I thought, "where would I like to go", which led me to "where have I been?"
This is my first road trip, back in either summer '79 or '80. I had never been to the ocean, neither had my best friend Janice. So, we got out a map and figured out where the closest beach was and went.
The next summer, we went to the Smoky Mountains, Jan and I, packed into my little red dodge colt.
Years passed, life called for me to get serious. The next road trip was from San Antonio to St. Louis, to escape.
Then a few good trips:
The man that is my soul mate and I took a trip to Big Bend,
Then to Maine,
and a few year later, with a two year old Grace and Steven's daughter, Maria we got to go to Alaska.
These days, with two kids and a couple of home businesses and homeschooling, our trips are limited to the beach. Our trips are satisfying and fun. We love to watch the waves and play in the sand and do a bit of beach combing.
We have no plans to travel. Our daughter loves to stay home, and has a busy life here. We might get in a beach trip this year. Or a trip back to the farm in Illinois.
Our son would love to travel, I think, so maybe in a few years we can make longer trips.
I would love to go to the Grand Canyon, or Glacier State Park or maybe even Scotland. And I would love to go back to Alaska to visit my sister, Marie (or ***** as I call her). Those are the do-able trips. I would love to go to the Galapagos Islands or see the Great Wall of China or even see if we had relatives still in Syria.
But for now, those road trips are in my mind, in my future, and in my dreams.
In the present, let's ride!
And now, lets hear from others in this wonderful group and where they want to go:
Andes Cruz:
Kathleen Krucoff:
Catherine Witherell:
Friday, January 24, 2014
Where I grew up, we had snow. Not every winter, but most. And sometimes a lot, like the year we got two feet. I was in college and it shut everything down. First time in the university history they closed down.
But, this morning, I heard William wake and the screen door open and close. Then I heard him come into our bedroom. "How deep is it?" I asked. "Three inches" he said. I knew it had not snowed that much by the time I had gone to bed last night and I knew he was exaggerating. But, while he got his layers on, I went and let Cocoa out, Steven got up and dressed, and we all went out.
There is something about snow out here. The outdoors in completely quiet. Its like life holds it breath. We got freezing rain and a dusting of snow on top, maybe a half inch at the most.
We explored and took a few pictures. I saw places where the deer had run through. The little ponds were frozen. The 70 degrees warmth of two days ago was but a memory. It was COLD. 25 degrees. Ice and snow.
We wandered, and then I came indoors to make cocoa.
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That is my '67 plymouth belvedere |
But, this morning, I heard William wake and the screen door open and close. Then I heard him come into our bedroom. "How deep is it?" I asked. "Three inches" he said. I knew it had not snowed that much by the time I had gone to bed last night and I knew he was exaggerating. But, while he got his layers on, I went and let Cocoa out, Steven got up and dressed, and we all went out.
There is something about snow out here. The outdoors in completely quiet. Its like life holds it breath. We got freezing rain and a dusting of snow on top, maybe a half inch at the most.
We explored and took a few pictures. I saw places where the deer had run through. The little ponds were frozen. The 70 degrees warmth of two days ago was but a memory. It was COLD. 25 degrees. Ice and snow.
We wandered, and then I came indoors to make cocoa.
Monday, January 20, 2014
I have rarely made resolutions, knowing from childhood that they fade away by February or March. And this year was no different until a few days into the new year, when I heard of a friend with cancer, then another, and another, and then we had some minor health issues in our own family.
Which made me think.
It was my wake-up call.
This is a forsythia. In most places, it blooms in the spring. Here, it is a middle of the winter bloomer. A promise of what is to come later.
Life in the midst of winter.
So, this year, I have resolved to LIVE. Appreciate my family and friends. Take care of myself. And see everything through a filter of love and humor. And so, with this in mind, here is my first "selfie"
(laugh with me!)
With that said, please visit the other members of this group and read their views:
Andes Cruz:
Kathleen Krucoff:
Catherine Witherell:
Shelagh Blatz:
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