Tuesday, October 20, 2015


so, I thought a lot about this.....why do I do what I do
and it ran around my brain for a long time
because I am too much in my head sometimes

I talked it over with my husband
who said that is a difficult thing to determine
one is so much more than a single photo

and I talked it over with my sister-friend

and what DO I do
what takes up my time
what give me pleasure
what am I compelled to do
what is a service
what do I do out of love

I mean, I am a wife, a mother
a soapmaker by profession now
a pet owner, a friend
manager of the farmers market
homeschool teacher
volunteer in the community

so why I do some of the things I do
I cannot even put into words

I chose this part of my life
it is not the whole
but one thing I could photograph

Now, lets see why others do what they do:

Kathleen Krucoff:  http://wp.me/pA5jX-Mf